
Trips to Ethiopia will take you on a journey of discovery and exploration in one of Africa’s greatest cultural and historical destination. During your trips in Ethiopia get to learn about the unique culture with over 80 divergent and fascinating ethnic tribes, marvel at rich collection of ancient history and historical sites dating thousands of years back and scattered all over the country.

Axum – home of the first Christian church in Africa was founded 3000 years back in time of the Axumite Kingdom; Gonder – Hosts five 17th-century castles built by King Fasil and his successors; Lalibela – houses a cluster of 11 monolithic rock-hewn churches built in the 12 century and have since been declared UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lalibela is the most prominent pilgrimage spot in Ethiopia; Harar – presents a walled city in the eastern part of Ethiopia and is believed to be the fourth sacred place in the Muslim religion next to Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem.

Ethiopia is a land of many sounds and sights, endowed with stark contrasting physical features. On one hand the peaks of Mount Ras Dashen at 4543 meters tall are the highest peaks in Ethiopia and the 4th highest peaks in Africa; whereas on the other hand the Danakil Depression at the depths of 116 meters below sea level, are the lowest dry land points on earth. Watch the active volcanoes spitting molten lava at night offering unforgettable experience. Witness the age old activity of salt cutting accompanied by a caravan of over 400 camels ferrying the cut salt.

Trips to Ethiopia Great Rift Valley are splendid offering natural hot springs and numerous Rift Valley Lakes. Ethiopia’s largest lake, Lake Tana, is the source of the Blue Nile River which is forms the spectacular 45m high Blue Nile Falls. Ethiopia Rift Valley trips offers great water sports and birding trips.

Ethiopia’s Simien Mountain is a good holiday destinations for walking, hiking and trekking trips. Ethiopia has at least 14 National Parks and Game Reserves. These national parks offers exceptional wildlife watching trips especially some species of wild animals and birds species Endemic to Ethiopia. Gelada Baboon, Nyala Hartebeest, Menilik’s Bushbuck, Ethiopian wolf and Walia Ibex. Endemic birds include; Wattled Ibis, Blue-winged Goose, and Rouget’s Rail among others.